Such as the current hot weather is the most delicious glass of cold soda. A dry throat instantly felt fresh. But, so far the rumor many soft drinks hazard to health, especially bone. Could the rumor is accountable? The answer, "maybe". Joyce Hendley, a contributor to Eating Well Media Group, revealed three reasons why you need to think about it again before drinking a can of soda.
1. Soda Cause Fragile Bones There are numerous studies that have linked soft drinks with brittle bones. But this is not something to fear. The reason is, many foods that can increase bone strength.
2. High caffeine content In addition to caffeine, soft drinks also contain other additive ubstances. In a study by researchers from Creighton University, Nebraska, USA, in 2001, found the amount of calcium in the body will be reduced after consuming carbonated drinks that are high caffeine. A study in 2006 also stated that women who drink soda three times a week for years does have a lower bone density than those who drank more water.
3. Containing Sugar Compared with other drinks, most soft drinks contain much sugar. In at least a can of soda contains nine teaspoons of sugar. In fact, the need for sugar in our body should not be more than four teaspoons per day. Imagine if you drink soft drinks three times a day!