What Is Hexagonal Water?
Hexagonal Water Theory
Hexagonal Water is a structure of six water molecules in a ring, different from other water by its density. The so-called healing water at Lourdes, France, is not claimed to be Hex Water. There are a variety of Structure-Altered Water (SAW) products on the market that claim to have energy or nonspecific vibrations induced into them to make them better absorbed at the cellular level. Each claims to be a version of essential water the human body is born containing and that loss of this essential water is causal to the effects of aging. To date, none of these claims has been scientifically proven.
Other SAW waters
The Template Induction Process claims to create Hex Water as well as non-Hex Waters that also provide health and spiritual benefits. Molecules from another SAW water will supposedly transmit energy into cells. Another product offers frequencies (transmitted through headphones into distilled water) that will alter distilled water by its alpha and theta frequencies to add healing frequencies into the water.
Are Hexagonal or SAW Waters Dangerous?
Home Hexagonal Water Systems
Hexagonal Water Treatment Versus Filtration
Home filtering systems run from inexpensive pitcher types using gravity to run tap water through an activated charcoal and chlorine scrubbing media to tap-mounted or under-sink systems that process flowing tap water.
Chris Donahue is an electrical engineer living in the Dallas area. He has worked on defense projects, semiconductor process equipment, instrumentation and is currently in water utilities. He earned his Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) standing in Texas in 1999.