Whatever we eat and drink, particularly pharmaceutical drugs when difficult process, step by step would be a poison in the blood. The impact was severe enough, can damage vital organs in the body. BENEFITS detoxification The expulsion of toxins in the body of course will make us healthy. Until this manner is often applied to help cure various diseases. These diseases include, asthma, allergies, colds, flu, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, early-stage cancer, insomnia, depression, stress, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary artery blockage, clogged arteries, obesity, ulcer, ulcer , migraine, skin diseases, and drug dependence, nicotine, alcohol, and narcotics. However, the medical was ready to anticipate this. To get rid of toxins in the body or which is known as detoxification, can be done in various ways. From the nature of modern so naturally. The objective of detox is to restore the function of blood vessels, as a carrier of oxygen and other substances needed organ in the body, so the organs can function again as it once blocked its distribution. Usually after the poison is removed, the body will be more refreshed and feel relaxed. In fact, in some cases clearer vision and a passion for life would be higher.
REACTION OF THE BODY DURING Detox In addition to reactions such as illness, for body detox will give other reactions that are often surprising for beginners. Form of reaction and when the emergence of these reactions are not the same in every orang.Menurut dietitian from Northwestern Memorial Hospital Wellness Institute and American Dietetic Association speaker Dawn Jackson-Blatner, there is some effect from detox to be considered. When the process of detox, when the toxin through the blood vessels, the body will react so that reactions can occur, among other · Symptoms of headache, nausea, bloating, constipation, colds, flu, mild fever, bad breath, skin disorders / rashes, emotional disturbances, and cold. · Sometimes accompanied by changes in urine color. More turbid urine color and smell. For those who throughout his life consuming many pharmaceutical drugs, medicinal smell will come out with urine and feces (stool). · Often the wind with the smell of exhaust is stabbing. Appeared · strong desire for more food, but after a day-to-three bodies have not actually feel hungry again. · Exit lot of dirt along the mucus (mucus) that quite dense. On a longer detox program, the body will remove dirt from the innermost layer of cells. Form of sewage that comes out is usually more concentrated and color ranging from greenish to blackish like tar / asphalt liquid. New detox program can be said to be perfect if the form of dirt that came out normal, and no more dirt that looks like it. "This reaction is very individual in character. In certain individuals, this reaction may not appear or is already happening on the first day, "said Jackson-Blatner. But generally the above reactions appear until the third day of the third day because the body begins to draw energy from fat after the first day to take glucose from the muscles, the second day of the liver. To get to the brain, the fat must go through a stage of change to require more time. If a reaction occurs, do not panic. Detox does not need to be stopped Reduce the only activity that takes energy, avoid too warm in the sun, drink water or juice as much, or as soon as sleeping. Normally this reaction only lasts one to five days. But if the headache is not completely unbearable, you also better to consult a doctor. Hospital nutritionist from Jakarta, dr. MS Budiasti Inayah SpGK suggested that implementation should be gradual detox to give your body a chance to adapt. Like the people who need to adapt when faced with eating patterns, as well as by the body. "When the body experiences a reduction of food intake, then the fluid is removed first. So, instead of fat removed from the body. In fact, as much as 80 percent of the body consists of water, "he said. Because of that, "Detox should be done gradually. Give your body time to adapt at least about two weeks to get the best results, "he said. · How to consume beverages / foods may not be any hurry. Although the liquid form, water and fruit juices should still diteguk slowly and in small increments only. So, not being drunk quickly, especially at a time. Drinking or eating in a hurry can cause some processes to be carried out of the body to food, has elapsed. Foods that are not processed properly will decay prematurely. Whereas food spoilage may only occur in the large intestine before the anus. Early decay usually occurs in the duodenum. · Should not be consumed any medications and supplements during their detox. Drugs and supplements somehow have a toxic element. · Should keep exercising regularly. Quite mild exercise like walking, jumping rope or jumping on a trampoline small, yoga, tai chi, or Qigong. Sports useful circulation of blood and lymph, and indirectly also launched a process of spending toxins from the body. · May perform body treatments such as aromatherapy massage and luluran (body scrubs or flushing impurities from the skin surface).