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List of waste water treatment technologies
By Fresh Natural
On 9:47 AM
The following page consist of a list of wastewater treatment technologies: Activated sludge systems Constructed Soil Filter Advanced Oxidation Process Aerated lagoon Aerobic granular reactor Aerobic treatment system Anaerobic clarigester Anaerobic digestion Anaerobic filter API oil-water separator Anaerobic lagoon ATP test Bead Filter Belt press Bioconversion of biomass to mixed alcohol fuels Bioreactor Bioretention Biorotor Bioroll Biolytix Carbon filtering Cesspit Chlorine disinfection Coarse bubble diffusers Combined sewer Composting toilet Constructed wetland Dark fermentation Dissolved air flotation Distillation Desalination EcocyclET systems Electrocoagulation Electrodeionization Electrolysis Electro-Fenton process Expanded granular sludge bed digestion Facultative lagoon Fenton's reagent Fine bubble diffusers Flocculation & sedimentation Fluidized Bed Biofilter Flotation process Froth flotation Humanure (composting) Imhoff tank Iodine Ion exchange Life Saver bottle Living machines Maceration (sewage) Membrane bioreactor Nanotechnology NERV (Natural Endogenous Respiration Vessel) N-Viro Parallel plate oil-water separator Recirculating Sand Filter Reed bed Retention basin Reverse osmosis Rotating biological contactor Sand filter Septic tank Sequencing batch reactor Sewage treatment Stabilization pond Submerged aerated filter Treatment pond Trickling filter Soil Bio-Technology Ultrafiltration (industrial) Ultraviolet disinfection Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digestion Upflow Sludge Blanket Filtration (USBF) Wet oxidation -WHO-
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