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Discover YLKI 11 Bottled Water Brands Contain Excess Bacteria

Jakarta - The year, the production of bottled drinking water (drinking water) glass increasingly countless. Indonesian Consumers Foundation conducted a study to examine the levels of bacteria contained in the beverage packaging.

"Of the 21 brands of bottled drinks that our glass test, 11 of whom found the bacteria that are problematic," says researcher YLKI, Ida Marlinda Loenggana, in a press conference on drinking water test results in YLKI Office, Jl West Jewel, Duren Tiga, Jakarta, Wednesday (28/10/2010).

Drink bottled water products under study YLKI, according to Ida, not focused on products that already have a name. YLKI also took samples from brands that are rarely heard in the market.

This study, further Ida, conducted YLKI on since March to May 2010. Samples of water beverage products that they get from traditional markets, supermarkets, and shopping malls.

"And we chose that area but have also spread to the Cilincing, Milling, which is common around the north and east (Jakarta)," Ida said.

Of the 11 brands of bottled water are problematic, further Ida, found total bacteria reached 1,000 to 100,000 colonies / mL. In fact, according to ISO Standard for microbiological content of drinking water is a maximum of 100 to 1,000 colonies / mL.

"Of the 11, we found 9 that approach is Pretige, Top Aqua, Air Max, Caspian, Club, Sure Water, Vit, Prima, De As. While the 2 that exceed the limit exists Ron88 and Sega. With varying expiration dates. There is a January 2011 through October 2011, "he added.

"But even if expiration date is still far away, but sudang contain bacteria again how in the future," said Ida.

Of these 11 brands, according to Ida YLKI've tried to ask for clarification. But the only brand that has Langkap address and provide feedback.

"While the other two do not have the address but they have a number of registration," he explained.

Ida said, from a variety of responses received many positive YLKI to research conducted this YLKI. But unfortunately, the producers are generally more blame the growing bacteria that grew after after the production period.

"Many were positive, but there is also a negative, if negative, they generally blame when the distribution and storage process and placement at the time of the sampaik prosuk to the seller. Sellers are exposed to the sun would allow bacteria to grow," said Ida.

YLKI hope with this research, the producers more responsible. Because the absolute product control systems to consumer. YLKI also instruct the public to further consider the selection of bottled water products.

"Producers are responsible to meet safety standards and the safety. People also should not be because choosing a murak but does not consider aspects of abortion. And to law enforcement officers if there are rogue manufacturers who do not improve and responsible we expect given the daunt sanctions," he said
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