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Baca selanjutnya untuk :

How to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water

The Bottom Line Reverse osmosis filtration is a water treatment process in which water is forced through a membrane that has very small hole...

4000 Year Old Secrets of Green Tea

4000 Year Old Secrets of Green Tea

by: Gary Gresham The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea for over 4,000 years. But recent studies are ju...

Take Care Of Your Inner Beauty

Take Care Of Your Inner Beauty

by: Hifzur Rehman Let us talk about beauty from a different angle! We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman...

Reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a filtration method that removes many types of large molecules and ions from solutions by applying pressure to the s...

10 Benefits of Using a Water Filter

Water filters provide better tasting and better smelling drinking water by removing chlorine and bacterial contaminants. Point-of-use water ...

Standards and Regulations for Bottled Water

Bottled water, because it is defined as a “food” under federal regulations, is under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...

Water Treatment Alternatives - How Do They Compare?

There are several popular modes of water treatment and purification currently available. In fact, the market has become so overwhelmed with ...

Discover YLKI 11 Bottled Water Brands Contain Excess Bacteria

Jakarta - The year, the production of bottled drinking water (drinking water) glass increasingly countless. Indonesian Consumers Foundation ...

Merek Dagang : BTW Sertifikasi : Dirjen HAKI MUI Halal SNI 01-3553-1996 BPOM RI MD 249128001058 LPPOM 01121029240508 DepKes RI. Hasil Lab...

Benefits of Drinking Water Reverse Osmosis (RO System) For Health And Beauty

More than 70% of our body is water, which fills about 600,000 veins and arteries in the blood. Brain 90%, cardiac 75%, lung - lung 86%, rena...

6 stage reverse osmosis water purification process with hexagonal

Sediment Filter (FILTER STAGE 1) Filter out the large particles like dirt, mud, sand, dust, rust, material microstructure, kapurMasa replace...

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis was developed as a water treatment method more than 40 years ago. The process first arose as a technique of desalinating sea...

10 Benefits of Using a Water Filter

Water filters provide better tasting and better smelling drinking water by removing chlorine and bacterial contaminants. Point-of-use water ...

10 Reasons to Use a Shower Filter

The EPA has stated that every household in the United States has elevated levels of chloroform in the air due to chlorine released from show...


The process of distillation has been known and used for millennia. Although it has primarily been employed as a method of producing alcoholi...

10 Reasons to Use a Whole House Water Filter

Harmful chemicals constantly escape into the air in a home from the dishwasher, the toilet, and the shower. The release of water contaminant...

What Is Reverse Osmosis and How Does It Work?

By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentra...

What You Should Know about Water

Water is an incredibly important aspect of our daily lives. Every day we drink water, cook with water, bathe in water, and participate in ma...


Water filters have a long history as a method of water purification, beginning as early as 2000 b.c.e. in ancient Egypt. Filtration has evol...

20 Interesting and Useful Water Facts

Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water. At birth, water accounts for approximately 80 percent of an infant’s body weight....

Why Choose Filtered Water?

Bottled water, due to several factors, is clearly not a healthier or purer alternative to tap water. Also, bottled water is outrageously exp...

6 stage reverse osmosis water purification process with hexagonal

Sediment Filter (FILTER STAGE 1) Filter out the large particles like dirt, mud, sand, dust, rust, material microstructure, kapurMasa replace...

Benefits of Drinking Water Reverse Osmosis (RO System) For Health And Beauty

More than 70% of our body is water, which fills about 600,000 veins and arteries in the blood. Brain 90%, cardiac 75%, lung - lung 86%, rena...


Water filters have a long history as a method of water purification, beginning as early as 2000 b.c.e. in ancient Egypt. Filtration has evol...

Water Treatment Alternatives - How Do They Compare?

There are several popular modes of water treatment and purification currently available. In fact, the market has become so overwhelmed with ...

What You Should Know about Water

Water is an incredibly important aspect of our daily lives. Every day we drink water, cook with water, bathe in water, and participate in ma...

Water treatment and pathogen control: Process efficiency in achieving safe drinking-water

Water treatment and pathogen control: Process efficiency in achieving safe drinking-water

Contamination of drinking-water by microbial pathogens can cause disease outbreaks and contribute to background rates of disease. Ther...

List of waste water treatment technologies

The following page consist of a list of wastewater treatment technologies: Activated sludge systems Constructed Soil Filter Advanced Oxidati...


Bioenergy is renewable energy made available from materials derived from biological sources. In its most narrow sense it is a synonym to bio...

What Is Reverse Osmosis and How Does It Work?

By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentra...

Water, sanitation and hygiene links to health

Facts and figures updated November 2004 "Water and Sanitation is one of the primary drivers of public health. I often refer to it as “H...


The process of distillation has been known and used for millennia. Although it has primarily been employed as a method of producing alcoholi...

Minumlah Air Putih !

Air dalam tubuh diantaranya berfungsi menjaga kesegaran, membantu pencernaan dan mengeluarkan racun. Namun, tahukah Anda, ternyata banyak ma...

Standards and Regulations for Bottled Water

Bottled water, because it is defined as a “food” under federal regulations, is under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...

Why Choose Filtered Water?

Bottled water, due to several factors, is clearly not a healthier or purer alternative to tap water. Also, bottled water is outrageously exp...

Natural Spring Water or Reconstituted Tap Water?

Natural Spring Water or Reconstituted Tap Water?

Recent allegations against the Coca-Cola Company and its brand name of bottled water, Dasani, have publicly highlighted one of the bi...

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